Just as humans are generally put under anesthesia before surgery or an invasive medical procedure, so are cats. There are a number of medications that a vet can administer in order to make a cat unconscious and prevent them from feeling pain during such procedures. Here are the key things you need to know before your cat undergoes anesthesia.
Your cat will need to fast.
If there is food in your cat's stomach when he or she is put under anesthesia, there is a chance the cat could vomit and choke.
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What You Need To Know About Seizures In Cats
Seizures are a nerve-wracking experience for both cats and their owners. Understanding if your cat is having a seizure and what to do in the event of a seizure will help make these events less stressful for you and your cat.
What Causes Seizures
Most seizures in cats occur due to toxicity issues. For example, if your cat has consumed a plant, food, or chemical it shouldn't have, your cat can have seizures.
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What to Do if Your Dog Was Burned
Accidents can happen alarmingly quickly, and this is certainly the case when your dog is scalded or burned. Their coat offers a degree of protection and it's often appropriate to flush the affected part of their body with cold water to address the issue. However, burns can be very serious indeed, often requiring emergency treatment. Would you know what to do if your dog was burned?
Understand Types of Burns
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3 Serious Illnesses In Cats
Just like illness can strike human beings, it can strike their fuzzy feline friends, as well. Cats can be afflicted with all kinds of ailments including vomiting, fleas, tapeworms, diarrhea, and conjunctivitis. Many of these ailments may require a trip to the veterinarian and medicine may be necessary to help the cat recover. Some illnesses, however, are much more serious and may require a stay in an animal hospital.
Here are three serious illnesses in cats.
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