It's More Than Routine: Signs Your Dog Has A Medical Emergency

If your dog is dealing with ongoing health issues, you know when it's time for an emergency trip to the vet. If your dog is healthy and doesn't have any underlying health issues, emergency situations might not be as easy to identify. This is especially true if your dog doesn't have any visible injuries, or isn't vomiting. However, there are times when a trip to the emergency vet is necessary, even when your dog isn't exhibiting any of the usual signs. Read the list provided below. If your dog is experiencing any of the issues described here, it's time to visit an emergency vet right away. 

They've Become Aggressive

If you've noticed a sudden change in your dog's behavior, it's time to look for an underlying issue. This is especially true if your dog has gone from gentle to aggressive overnight. Dog's don't usually experience rapid behavioral changes unless there's something wrong with them. Your dog might be acting aggressively because it's in pain, or because it's feeling sick. To find out why your dog is behaving aggressively, visit an emergency vet right away. 

They're Difficult to Awaken

If your dog has fallen asleep, and you're unable to awaken them, there might be a cause for concern. The first thing you should do is gently pick them up. They may be in a very deep sleep. If they are, they should awaken when you pick them up. If you still can't wake them up, and their breathing seems to be distressed, take them to a nearby emergency vet immediately. Your dog could have been bitten by something, or they may have eaten something that has poisoned them. If possible, call the vet ahead of time so that they're ready for your dog when you arrive. 

They've Stopped Eating

If your dog has suddenly stopped eating, take some time to assess the situation. First, ask your family members if they've been providing table scraps and treats. Second, check the dog food bag. Your dog might have been feeding itself when you were looking. If neither of those things has occurred, it might be time to take your dog to the emergency vet. This is especially true if it's been more than a day since you saw your dog eat any food. 

They're Constipated

If your dog hasn't had a bowel movement in several days, and they now have a hard belly, head to an emergency vet right away. Constipation can cause serious pain and can lead to more serious medical conditions. To protect your dog, have them seen at an emergency vet.
